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Worship and our Hearts

By Steve Gregg

Happy New Year Creekside!! As we enter the new year, I wanted you to know we will be starting a new sermon series for the month of January titled "Rhymes and Rhythms." The pastors are excited about this series and the chance to consider the ways corporate worship uniquely nurtures our faith and shapes us in profound and meaningful ways.  

Several years ago Creekside had the privilege to host James K. A. Smith at an evening lecture as part of a conference at the Christian Study Center. Dr. Smith, a professor at Calvin College, is the author of “Desiring the Kingdom”, “You are what you Love” and several other books. These books argue the point that the power of our regular practices or “liturgies” goes beyond forming habits to actually shaping our hearts and affections. As you might imagine, this is a topic we as pastors consider all of the time and no where more so than in planning our Sunday morning worship services. So for the next four weeks, we will be considering the various components of our corporate worship and its impact on our hearts and its affections.

After this series, we will be moving into a series on the Psalms which will take us up to the summer months. We’re excited about these sermon series and our hope and prayers are that as 2021 unfolds, we will be able to have more freedom to gather and be together as a church family. Whatever the coming year might look like, we will continue to seek the Lord’s face, to be fed by His Word, to love each other well and to make sure that love of Christ flows out and extends to our neighbors as well.  To God be the glory!