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What I'm Reading

By Michael Roop

After my return from sabbatical, I’ve had more than the average amount of requests for my recent reading list. So I thought I’d take a week to give you all the four books I’m reading or have read in the past few months.

The God who Makes Himself Known by W. Ross Blackburn

This might be the single best companion to our sermon series in the book of Exodus. Dr. Blackburn writes this volume in the New Studies in Biblical Theology series (edited by D.A. Carson, longtime professor at our denominational seminary). In it, Blackburn makes incredible connections between the specific historical account of the Exodus and the broader mission of God to make Himself known to all the nations. You’ll leave this book with a thorough view for the location of Exodus within the broader Biblical story of redemption.

Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortlund

Many won’t be surprised by this one. I read it cover to cover over my sabbatical after receiving numerous recommendations. Ortlund connects clear biblical teaching with Puritan influences in his exploration of God’s heart toward His people. This book left me teary-eyed at several different points as I considered the affectionate and committed love God has for His people and the gentleness with which He guides us to Himself. I can’t wait to reread it with an eye for attributes of the love I ought to extend to others.

As a side note, we received 150 copies of this book from the publisher, and we still have some left, so let us know if you’d like a copy!

The Soul of Shame by Curt Thompson

The field of interpersonal neurobiology has become a source of fascination for me. Dr. Thompson, a psychiatrist and evangelical, brings our increasing understanding of the human brain into conversation with the world revealed to us by Scripture, with a specific focus on shame and its antidote, vulnerability. I’ve gotten personal benefit from reading Thompson’s book (turns out I wrestle with lots of shame...who knew?) alongside Genesis 2:25 through the end of Genesis 4.

The Connected Parent by Karen Purvis and Lisa Qualls

Staying in the world of interpersonal neurobiology, this book helps us bridge our hard-wired need for secure relational attachments with strategies for parenting. Purvis and Qualls are writing specifically toward parents of children with traumatic histories, such as those in the foster care system, but the principles and tactics offered here absolutely translate to any parenting scenario. Courtney’s and my acquaintance with this material has shaped our parenting tactics as we seek to nurture our children in the training and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4).

So there’s my reading list of late. What are you reading? What has you excited, confused, or curious? Send me an email, and let’s chat about it.