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Alex Blair

Ministry Intern

Alex became a member at Creekside in 2023 after first attending through the Barnabas Dinner, held monthly by Men’s Ministry. While Alex has worked in agriculture for the past decade, he’s transitioning into Ministry and Non-Profit work with an eventual goal to enter the mission field.

Alex says he’s passionate about two things: his family and Israel. “My personal and professional goals are to invigorate my Family and the People of Israel with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” His education background is in Rabbinic Judaism, Jewish History, and Biblical Hebrew through his involvement in various Jewish education programs throughout his life. He is currently a Divinity School student at Liberty University studying for a Bachelor's of Science in Bible Apologetics.

Most of his free time is spent with his family here in Gainesville. His wife, mother, and sister are local and he does his best to fill every empty space of time he has with them.