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One Another Groups

Creekside's Small Group Ministry

What's in a name?

Our small group ministry is named for the many commands in the New Testament for how we are to treat one another within the church. At Creekside, these commands will play out most often within small groups, or "OAGs". 

Meet George and Nikki

Hear their story of the role OAGs have played in their lives through college, dating, vocation, marriage, and more.

The Four Elements of an OAG

1. Authentic Relationships

The relationships built in OAGs are hospitable, meaning they invite others into our homes and into our lives. This kind of hospitality is a communal proclamation of the gospel, which invites us to know and be known by God through Christ.

2. Shaped by the Word

Each OAG has some component of Bible study, whether it be sermon discussion or the study of a specific section of Scripture. We search God’s Word in community because we believe it is the source of God’s plan to save and transform us.

3. Given to Prayer

OAGs are the main venue where Creeksiders pray for each other. These smaller-scale communities allow for us to continually lift one another in prayer over extended periods of time.

4. Looking Outward

Just like the Christian life, our OAGs are missional. From inviting newcomers to join us, to serving one of Creekside’s partners as a group, we want the hospitality of our OAGs to extend to those in need.

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