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Reflections on the Hebrew Sermon Series

As Creekside wraps up its sermon series in the book of Hebrews, member Steve Hedges reflects on what he has learned.

What about the book of Hebrews has most challenged you?
The book of Hebrews has challenged me in several ways. One significant challenge has been grappling with the concept of endurance itself. While I am committed to enduring in my faith, the book has prompted me to reflect deeply on the nature of endurance – what it truly means to persist through doubts, fears, and trials, and to keep my focus unwaveringly on Christ despite life's difficulties. I don’t want to endure for endurance's sake, but it’s more about persevering for the sake of a deeper relationship with Christ and a stronger witness to His transformative power. Gaining a deeper understanding of this has helped me decrease how often I try to do Christ’s work for me and rest in His finished work on my behalf.
Additionally, the book's emphasis on the superiority of Christ and His priesthood has increased the significance of His role in my life. It has helped me actively seek and love Him more personally and relationally rather than just assenting to what the Word teaches me about Him. The author of Hebrews vividly portrays Christ as the ultimate High Priest who intercedes on my behalf. This challenges me to continually come to Christ with my burdens and to recognize that His work far surpasses any human effort or achievement. This perspective reshapes how I approach challenges, reminding me to seek Christ's guidance and grace in all circumstances. This challenge has led me to seek a more intimate and resilient walk with Christ, relying on His strength to endure through all seasons of life.

What about the book of Hebrews has most encouraged you?
My greatest encouragement from studying Hebrews lies in Christ's supremacy and the superiority of the New Covenant over the Old. Actively growing in my love for Him, I'm reassured that His work eclipses anything I could achieve alone. The Spirit's active work in me fuels this growth.  
These truths fill me with hope and confidence, often moving me to tears of joy. I love and trust Him deeply, knowing I'm not journeying alone. He's with me, and together with His body at Creekside, we face endurance united.
Thinking about Christ's accomplishments in the New Covenant excites me. It means absolute forgiveness and internal transformation. Unlike the Old Covenant's external laws, the New focuses on inner change through the Holy Spirit's work. This shapes hearts to love and obey God from within.
Access to God was once limited in the Old Covenant; only the high priest could enter the Holy of Holies. But through Christ, the perfect High Priest, believers now have direct access to God's presence anytime.
The New Covenant's promises are better: indwelling of the Holy Spirit, assurance of eternal life, and a personal relationship with God as Father. It extends salvation to all nations, fulfilling the promise to Abraham.
The New Covenant's ultimate sacrifice, Christ on the cross, supersedes the Old's repetitive offerings. This single act secures redemption and renders Old Covenant sacrifices obsolete.
For me, delving into covenants across time showcases the Lord's incredible work and plan. It's a perspective I relish.
The exhortations to draw near to God with a sincere heart and full assurance of faith have been a continual source of encouragement. Knowing that I can approach God's throne of grace boldly, regardless of my imperfections, reassures me that my relationship with Him is not based on my performance but on His unmerited favor. This truth lifts my spirit and compels me to cultivate a deeper intimacy with God.

How do you feel this sermon series has helped you grow closer to Christ?
I'm deepening my appreciation for Christ's supremacy and His role as the perfect High Priest, which allows me to approach Him with renewed reverence and gratitude. I want Christ to remain central to every moment of my life.
The Spirit at work within me is cultivating a striving endurance. Endurance isn't merely about willpower; it involves drawing strength and grace from Christ. He’s helping to foster resilience and steadfastness when I’m weak and trusting more in myself than Him.
Studying the Old and New Covenants has woven a story of transformation, bolstering my trust in His work throughout time and how He always keeps His promises. When looking at the New Covenant specifically, Christ’s once-for-all sacrifice redefines worship, infusing our future with Him with confidence and excitement. I can’t wait to see Him face to face and I truly desire it.
My prayer life has been strengthened. Christ's role as the sympathetic High Priest enriches my prayers. Prayer has transformed into a more conversational experience, akin to being with a compassionate friend, which He is, but I often neglect.
Our journey through Hebrews is deepening our sense of community. Worship, conversations and study groups are helping nurture connections, foster support and are allowing us to share prayers and needs. Together, we endure in Christ's yoke, strengthened by His work and grace and can grow and endure.
Let's embrace the treasures within Hebrews as we journey – seeking transformation, not just information. Our closeness to Christ is growing, let’s find solace in His presence, and as we travel together, we support each other on this faith journey.
In essence, this sermon series has enriched my relationship with Christ by offering profound insights into His character, His work, and His unwavering promises. The teachings inspire me to align my life more closely with His teachings and to stand steadfast in my pursuit of enduring faith. Let’s do this together!

Is there anything else about the sermon series that you would like to share?
The sermon series on the book of Hebrews has been a transformative journey that has impacted both my understanding of Scripture and my personal walk with Christ. It has provided a profound lens through which to view my faith and navigate the complexities of life. The series has reinforced the idea that the ancient truths of Scripture remain incredibly relevant and applicable to our modern lives.
One of the remarkable aspects of the series has been its ability to bridge the gap between the historical context of the book of Hebrews and the challenges of our contemporary world. The themes of endurance, faith, and the sufficiency of Christ resonate deeply in our current cultural landscape, where distractions, doubts, and pressures abound. The teachings from the book have acted as a compass, guiding me through the noise of the world and helping me stay anchored in the unchanging truths of Christ's redemptive work.
Furthermore, the series has fostered a sense of unity and community within our church. As we journey through Hebrews together, sharing insights, struggles, and growth, a stronger bond has formed among believers. It's a testament to the power of God's Word to bring people together, encouraging us to support and encourage one another as we strive to live out the principles laid out in the book.
Ultimately, the sermon series on Hebrews has reinforced the idea that enduring faith is not a passive endeavor. It's an active pursuit that requires intentional engagement with Scripture, a sincere desire to understand the mysteries of God, and a commitment to living out our beliefs with purpose. As we continue to delve into the teachings of Hebrews, I am excited to see how it will continue to shape our congregation, deepen our relationships with Christ, and empower us to endure with steadfast faith in the midst of life's challenges.