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Prepared: Megan Powell shares about the EFCA's program for women in ministry leadership

By Megan Powell

What is the Prepared program?

Prepared is an equipping program for women provided by the EFCA aimed at providing Gospel-centered education and training to develop leadership and ministry skills. If accepted, you join a cohort of about twenty women for a two-year program that includes classes, workshops, and mentoring.

Why did you decide to apply?

The ministry of the local church has long been something I was passionate about.  As a young adult, the Spirit gave me a strong desire to give as much of my life to serving the church as possible. I even day dreamed about being married to a pastor as a teen! In the Lord's kindness, I met and married Stephen, who desired full time ministry, and consider myself blessed to get to be a part of the church in a special way as his wife. After my undergraduate degree, I attended seminary for one semester. Due to a myriad of factors, I was unable to continue, yet still desired to be well-equipped to serve the church. Of course, a degree is not required, and the Lord gave me fantastic mentors and incredible opportunities to lead and serve wherever we were.

When we moved to Creekside, the Lord brought me to a new place (and a new denomination) with no specific ministry roles or responsibilities, so it seemed like a good opportunity to focus on personal development. I specifically remember asking Stephen last fall  as he was nearing graduation with his Master of Divinity, "So, is it my turn to go back to school now?" Not long after that conversation, I heard about Prepared. It seemed like a good fit since it was a smaller time and financial commitment than a Master's program.

What kind of time commitment does it require?

Prepared does a fantastic job of honoring your time. Each course is 6 weeks long with a 2.5 hour class once per week. Each week's homework requires about 2-3 hours. Homework includes reading and writing assignments. I am also required to meet with a coach once per 6 week course. That meeting is usually about one hour long.

How have you learned and grown through your time in Prepared so far?

Prepared has encouraged me greatly to love and serve Creekside and to be a part of God's mission in the world. Through Prepared, the Lord has shown me that my gifts are useful and beneficial to the kingdom and has given me a greater sense of confidence in using them. I recently completed a course called Soul Care in which I gained a greater understanding of the need for me to be aware of the health of my soul and its healthy integration with the rest of my being.  Currently, I am in a class called Hermeneutics where we are learning to exegete a passage of scripture accurately.

Going forward, how do you plan to use what you've learned?

I pray that I will be better equipped to help others follow Christ. I pray that I will be a more effective communicator of the truths of scripture, a more intentional disciple maker, and a joyous encourager of women to develop and use their giftedness in serving the local church.

Why would you recommend this program to other women at Creekside? And what type of person should consider applying?

Prepared is for any woman who is currently in ministry leadership or perhaps desires to be one day!  The women in my cohort come from many realms of ministry - worship ministry, missions, children, women, education and non-profit organizations, to name a few.